Amy Grasmick, Director
[email protected]
Courtney Bowen, Youth Services Librarian
[email protected]
Kellie Burke, Adult Services Librarian
[email protected]
Devon Hannan, Youth Development Librarian
[email protected]
Eva Loomis, Assistant Librarian
Elliot Papp, Assistant Librarian
Jessamyn West, Technology Librarian
[email protected]
Killian White, Outreach Librarian
[email protected]
The Board of Trustees is responsible for setting Kimball Library’s budget and policies, hiring and managing the library director, and stewarding the building. Trustees are elected at Randolph’s annual town meeting, and serve terms of five years.
Heather Bowman (term ends 2028)
Robin Goodall (term ends 2026)
Karen Lowry Reed (term ends 2027)
Ed Rooney (term ends 2027)
Amanda Ukasick (term ends 2028)
The Board of Trustees meets monthly. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the Town of Randolph’s website.